How it all started...
Church History
On September 15, 1963, a meeting was called at the home of Pastor & Mrs. Jesse Taylor on West Fir Street in Oxnard California. The meeting was called to set forth the purpose of establishing a new church. The following persons were in attendance: Jesse Taylor, Mrs. Laura D. Taylor, Sis. Beatrice Adams, Bro. Otis Taylor Jr., Bro. Robert Greene, Sis. Ella Greene, Mother Hattie Benson and Rev. A. Verette. Acting Pastor Jesse Taylor called for a vote that the name of the church would be: “New Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Oxnard”.
A total of six people unanimously joined in the new organization. Sis. Beatrice Adams was elected the first Secretary. The first official service was held Sunday September 3, 1963 at the then, Portuguese Hall on Wooley Road. Two people were united in that first Service and they were Miss Jewel Lions and Tommie Barber. Following that service at Portuguese Hall we moved and held three services at Conrad Mortuary Chapel, from there we move to West Minster Church and held service at one o'clock p.m. for three months.
Then we moved to FRA Hall on Saviers Road for three months. Subsequently we went to different Churches and held services at one o'clock p.m. After that we started holding services at the home of Pastor and Mrs. Jesse Taylor on 3670 South G Street, Oxnard, California up until September 17, 1967. We bought property at 1238 East 5th Street, which was our temporary home. We purchased seats from the downtown theater in Oxnard.
The seats had to be cleaned, so a committee was called to clean the seats and on that committee was Mother Ozella Tinsley. Many good and wonderful days were held at the 5th Street location. The church began to grow and the Sunday School Department expanded to a total of 6 classes and the Musical Department grew as well which included the Adult choir, Youth choir. Senior Choir and Men's Chorus. The church expanded to various auxiliaries: such as Mici department and Usher department The church over all experienced a growth in every area. Property was purchased on C Street
We never lost the vision of a permanent church site from the period of Channel Islands Boulevard. We never lost the vision of a permanent church site 1967 through 2013. Through it all down through the years this place is not the end but the begin of a new day.
From the time the church open its doors on April 28th 2013 at 3001 South Rose Oxnard California the church thrived, and it grew in large numbers of membership with family and close friends joining New Progressive Christian Missionary Baptist Church of Jesus Christ.
We went through many different variations of our church name down through the years, but God was still leading and guiding Pastor Taylor in the vision and direction of his Church and Ministry. Until the Church legally changed her name to what we have to day. New Progressive Christian Baptist Church.
To God be the Glory we were still progress. we were able to add the parking lot the shrubbery and colorful plants around the church. We also dedicated one of the flower beds in the front of the church to Sister Beatrice Adams for her love devotion and dedication to her church and pastor.
After many years we were able to purchase new purple chairs for the sanctuary. As the youth ministry and adult Ministry grew, so did our Sunday School which led to several baptisms and weddings here in our new edifice.
But, just like time we don't have enough of many of our older saints and members went on to be with the Lord. Than in July of 2017 the Angel of the called our beloved 1st Lady Lura D. Taylor home with him. With the grief and emotional weight of her transitioning. We still continue to thrive and progress in ministry and kingdom building.
Pastor Jesse J Taylor still came to church and was faithful to God and to his church family by preaching and teaching God's word. As the church continued to press forward other older saints transition.
Pastor Jesse Taylor didn't give up on his vision for the church in spike of having health challenges ahead of him. Pastor Taylor health had gotten worse so other ministers and supporters came to assist Pastor Taylor and the church which help keep the church doors open. While Pastor was dealing with health challenges. The church made additional upgrades to the church with updating and remodeling the kitchen and removing the bathroom in the kitchen and adding in a pantry.
Associate Minister Dr. Curtis Lemons was preaching and teaching during the Shutdown of the pandemic and we pressed on through it all. In the summer of 2021 Macedonia call went out for help to get back to having church. With the church closure and no one at the church to keep an Eye.
The homeless people begin to built shelters around the church and tagged with graffiti on the outside walls. The inside of the church where in a disarray with squatters in the church, and a lot of things destroyed and missing.
Sis. Carolyn Taylor, Sis. Beatrice Adams, and Bro. William Scales clean up and cleaned out the Church. A call from Sis. Bea. Adams to Rev. Jai Wilson. Looking for someone to come and preach and hold services. teaching Bible study and Sunday School.
Rev. Jai Wilson referred Bishop Lamont L Chiles-Hayes to Sis Bea Adams. After an interview with Pastor Jesse Taylor at his home accompany by the two remainder of Trustees. Bishop Lamont Chiles-Hayes was hired to assist Pastor Taylor by continue the weight of the vision for New Progressive C.B.C.
After a very long physical and spiritual fight with the enemy. God bless our church again with full autonomy and access to our sanctuary and church. However just a couple days after we took back the church. Pastor Jesse J Taylor exit this life of labor to rest.
After 30 days of mourning, Bishop Hayes brought one of his Pulpit Chair had it reupholster with Church colors, and a Memorial plaque plate was added to the chair that says in loving memory of Pastor Jesse J Taylor.
Bishop Hayes continue building the ministry by adding a new branding with the NP logo, and the backdrop in November 2021 T.V.s was purchased and installed. Bishop Hayes prepared the church for the up coming year into 2022 with a theme "devoted determine dedicated" in the Spring of 2022 Bishop Hayes installed a women lounge area in one of the old classrooms, and new carpet was installed in the sanctuary, sound room and choir room.
After a trustee meeting Bishop Lamont L Chiles-Hayes was Elected Pastor, and became the first pastor by election for New Progressive C.B.C. Bishop Hayes for the one year Anniversary of Pastor Jesse Taylor death. Bishop Hayes installed a memorial site for Pastor Jesse and Lady Lura Taylor with fountain and pond in the sanctuary going up the walk way. We are truly blessed to have anointed and loving Leadership and members on the day September 18th 2022.
On September 15, 1963, a meeting was called at the home of Pastor & Mrs. Jesse Taylor on West Fir Street in Oxnard California. The meeting was called to set forth the purpose of establishing a new church. The following persons were in attendance: Jesse Taylor, Mrs. Laura D. Taylor, Sis. Beatrice Adams, Bro. Otis Taylor Jr., Bro. Robert Greene, Sis. Ella Greene, Mother Hattie Benson and Rev. A. Verette. Acting Pastor Jesse Taylor called for a vote that the name of the church would be: “New Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Oxnard”.
A total of six people unanimously joined in the new organization. Sis. Beatrice Adams was elected the first Secretary. The first official service was held Sunday September 3, 1963 at the then, Portuguese Hall on Wooley Road. Two people were united in that first Service and they were Miss Jewel Lions and Tommie Barber. Following that service at Portuguese Hall we moved and held three services at Conrad Mortuary Chapel, from there we move to West Minster Church and held service at one o'clock p.m. for three months.
Then we moved to FRA Hall on Saviers Road for three months. Subsequently we went to different Churches and held services at one o'clock p.m. After that we started holding services at the home of Pastor and Mrs. Jesse Taylor on 3670 South G Street, Oxnard, California up until September 17, 1967. We bought property at 1238 East 5th Street, which was our temporary home. We purchased seats from the downtown theater in Oxnard.
The seats had to be cleaned, so a committee was called to clean the seats and on that committee was Mother Ozella Tinsley. Many good and wonderful days were held at the 5th Street location. The church began to grow and the Sunday School Department expanded to a total of 6 classes and the Musical Department grew as well which included the Adult choir, Youth choir. Senior Choir and Men's Chorus. The church expanded to various auxiliaries: such as Mici department and Usher department The church over all experienced a growth in every area. Property was purchased on C Street
We never lost the vision of a permanent church site from the period of Channel Islands Boulevard. We never lost the vision of a permanent church site 1967 through 2013. Through it all down through the years this place is not the end but the begin of a new day.
From the time the church open its doors on April 28th 2013 at 3001 South Rose Oxnard California the church thrived, and it grew in large numbers of membership with family and close friends joining New Progressive Christian Missionary Baptist Church of Jesus Christ.
We went through many different variations of our church name down through the years, but God was still leading and guiding Pastor Taylor in the vision and direction of his Church and Ministry. Until the Church legally changed her name to what we have to day. New Progressive Christian Baptist Church.
To God be the Glory we were still progress. we were able to add the parking lot the shrubbery and colorful plants around the church. We also dedicated one of the flower beds in the front of the church to Sister Beatrice Adams for her love devotion and dedication to her church and pastor.
After many years we were able to purchase new purple chairs for the sanctuary. As the youth ministry and adult Ministry grew, so did our Sunday School which led to several baptisms and weddings here in our new edifice.
But, just like time we don't have enough of many of our older saints and members went on to be with the Lord. Than in July of 2017 the Angel of the called our beloved 1st Lady Lura D. Taylor home with him. With the grief and emotional weight of her transitioning. We still continue to thrive and progress in ministry and kingdom building.
Pastor Jesse J Taylor still came to church and was faithful to God and to his church family by preaching and teaching God's word. As the church continued to press forward other older saints transition.
Pastor Jesse Taylor didn't give up on his vision for the church in spike of having health challenges ahead of him. Pastor Taylor health had gotten worse so other ministers and supporters came to assist Pastor Taylor and the church which help keep the church doors open. While Pastor was dealing with health challenges. The church made additional upgrades to the church with updating and remodeling the kitchen and removing the bathroom in the kitchen and adding in a pantry.
Associate Minister Dr. Curtis Lemons was preaching and teaching during the Shutdown of the pandemic and we pressed on through it all. In the summer of 2021 Macedonia call went out for help to get back to having church. With the church closure and no one at the church to keep an Eye.
The homeless people begin to built shelters around the church and tagged with graffiti on the outside walls. The inside of the church where in a disarray with squatters in the church, and a lot of things destroyed and missing.
Sis. Carolyn Taylor, Sis. Beatrice Adams, and Bro. William Scales clean up and cleaned out the Church. A call from Sis. Bea. Adams to Rev. Jai Wilson. Looking for someone to come and preach and hold services. teaching Bible study and Sunday School.
Rev. Jai Wilson referred Bishop Lamont L Chiles-Hayes to Sis Bea Adams. After an interview with Pastor Jesse Taylor at his home accompany by the two remainder of Trustees. Bishop Lamont Chiles-Hayes was hired to assist Pastor Taylor by continue the weight of the vision for New Progressive C.B.C.
After a very long physical and spiritual fight with the enemy. God bless our church again with full autonomy and access to our sanctuary and church. However just a couple days after we took back the church. Pastor Jesse J Taylor exit this life of labor to rest.
After 30 days of mourning, Bishop Hayes brought one of his Pulpit Chair had it reupholster with Church colors, and a Memorial plaque plate was added to the chair that says in loving memory of Pastor Jesse J Taylor.
Bishop Hayes continue building the ministry by adding a new branding with the NP logo, and the backdrop in November 2021 T.V.s was purchased and installed. Bishop Hayes prepared the church for the up coming year into 2022 with a theme "devoted determine dedicated" in the Spring of 2022 Bishop Hayes installed a women lounge area in one of the old classrooms, and new carpet was installed in the sanctuary, sound room and choir room.
After a trustee meeting Bishop Lamont L Chiles-Hayes was Elected Pastor, and became the first pastor by election for New Progressive C.B.C. Bishop Hayes for the one year Anniversary of Pastor Jesse Taylor death. Bishop Hayes installed a memorial site for Pastor Jesse and Lady Lura Taylor with fountain and pond in the sanctuary going up the walk way. We are truly blessed to have anointed and loving Leadership and members on the day September 18th 2022.
Expanding the vision...
The visionary and organizer of New Progressive Christian Baptist Church, Pastor Rev. Jesse James Taylor served the Lord from 04-29-1934 unto his rest on 8-23-2021. After the transition of Pastor Taylor, the mantel and expanding the church's vision was handed to Bishop Lamont Lee Chiles-Hayes on 03-26-2023.
Where we are headed...
We will continue to lead the lost people of God back to the house of prayer. We also must keep the spiritual covering and the word of God, among the active members, leaders through the upcoming youth and emerging leaders in our church.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.